Computer Awareness Important MCQ,s JOA IT 939


Computer Awareness Questions

Computer Important MCQ,s JOA IT 939

Fundamentals of Computer 100 MCQs

Q.1. A technique used by codes to convert an analog signal into a digital bit stream is known as

A.        Pulse code modulation

B.        Pulse stretcher

C.        Query processing

D.        Queue management

Ans. A


Q.2.  An optical input device that interprets pencil marks on paper media is

A.        O.M.R

B.        Punch card reader

C.        Optical scanners

D.        Magnetic tape


Ans. A


Q.3.  Any device that performs signal conversion is

A.        Modulator

B.        Modem

C.        Keyboard

D.        Plotter


Ans. B


Q.4. Which of the following computer language is used for artificial intelligence?

 A.          FORTRAN

 B.          PROLOG

 C.          C

 D.          COBOL


Ans. B


Q.5.  The binary system uses powers of

A.        2

B.        10

C.        8

D.        16


Ans. A

Q.6. Which part interprets program instructions and initiate control operations.

A.        Input

B.        Storage unit

C.        Logic unit

D.        Control unit


Ans. D

Q.7. A computer program that converts assembly language to machine language is

A.        Compiler

B.        Interpreter

C.        Assembler

D.        Comparator


Ans. C


Q.8. The time required for the fetching and execution of one simple machine instruction is

A.        Delay time

B.        CPU cycle

C.        Real time

D.        Seek time


Ans. B


Q.9. Any type of storage that is used for holding information between steps in its processing is

A.        CPU

B.        Primary storage

C.        Intermediate storage

D.        Internal storage


Ans. C


Q.10.  A common boundary between two systems is called

A.        Interdiction

B.        Interface

C.        Surface

D.        None of the above


Ans. B


Q.11 Which type of system puts the user into direct conversation with the computer through a keyboard?

A.        Real time processing

B.        Interactive computer

C.        Batch processing

D.        Time sharing


Ans. B


Q.12 A single packet on a data link is known as

A.        Path

B.        Frame

C.        Block

D.        Group


Ans. B


Q.13 The process of communicating with a file from a terminal is

A.        Interactive

B.        Interrogation

C.        Heuristic

D.        All of the above


Ans. B


Q.14 The examination and changing of single bits or small groups of his within a word is called

A.        Bit

B.        Byte

C.        Bit manipulation

D.        Bit slice


Ans. C


Q.15 Which computer has been designed to be as compact as possible?

A.        Mini

B.        Super computer

C.        Micro computer

D.        Mainframe


Ans. C


Q.16 Which method is used to connect a remote computer?

A.        Device

B.        Dialup

C.        Diagnostic

D.        Logic circuit


Ans. B


Q.17 The symbols used in an assembly language are

A.        Codes

B.        Mnemonics

C.        Assembler

D.        All of the above


Ans. B

Q.18 The 2's complement of a binary no. is obtained by its 1's complement. 

A.        0

B.        1

C.        10

D.        12


Ans. 1


Q.19 Which of the following is still useful for adding numbers?

 A.        EDSAC

B.        ENIAC

C.        Abacus

D.        UNIVAC



Ans. C


Q.20 ASCII stands for

A.        American standard code for information interchange


B.        All purpose scientific code for information interchange


C.        American security code for information interchange


D.        American Scientific code for information interchange


Ans. A


Q.21 Compilers and interpreters are themselves

A.        High-level language

B.        Codes

C.        Programs

D.        Mnemonics


Ans. C


Q.22 A compiler means

 A.        A person who compiles source programs

B.        The same thing as a programmer

C.        Keypunch operator

D.        A program which translates source program into object program


Ans. D

Q.23 Compression of digital data for efficient storage is

 A.        Buffer

B.        CPU

C.        Packing

D.        Field


Ans. C


 Q.24 Computer memory consists of

 A.        RAM

B.        ROM

C.        PROM

D.        All of the above


Ans. D


Q.25 A path by which communication is achieved between a central processor and other devices is called

 A.        Audit trail

B.        Network

C.        Bus

D.        Channel


Ans. C


Q.26 A memory that does not change its contents without external causes is known as

A.        Dynamic memory

B.        Static memory

C.        RAM

D.        EEPROM


Ans. B


Q.27 The organisation and interconnection of the various components of a computer system is

A.        Architecture

B.        Networks

C.        Graphics

D.        Designing


Ans. A


Q.28 Which of the following is the coding of data so that is can't be easily understood if intercepted.

A.        Bar-code

B.        Decoder

C.        Encryption

D.        Mnemonics


Ans. C

Q.29 RAM is used as a short memory because it is 

A.        Volatile

B.        Has small capacity

C.        Is very expensive

D.        Is programmable


Ans. A

Q.30 Which is a device that changes information into digital form? 

A.        Modem

B.        Digitizer

C.        Mouse

D.        Light pen


Ans. B


Q.31 The first generation of computers available was based on the bit micro processors.

A.        4

B.        8

C.        16

D.        64


Ans. B


Q.32 The complete picture of data stored in database is known as

A.        Record

B.        Schema

C.        System flowchart

D.        DBMS


Ans. B


Q.33 A language which is close to that used within the computer is

A.        High-level language

B.        Assembly language

C.        Low-level language

D.        All of the above


Ans. C


Q.34 A pen shaped device which can sense light, and is used to point at spots on a video screen.

A.        Mouse

B.        Light pen

C.        Joystick

D.        Plotter


Ans. B


Q.35 Which printer uses a combination of laser-beam & electro photographic techniques.

A.        Laser printers

B.        Dot-Matrix

C.        Line printer

D.        Daisy wheel


Ans. A


Q.36. Where have the program and data to be located before the ALU and control unit of a computer can operate on it?

A.        Internal memory

B.        Secondary memory

C.        Microprocessor

D.        Magnetic tapes


Ans. A


Q.37 Control Unit of a digital computer is often called the

A.        Clock

B.        Nerve center

C.        ICs

D.        All of the above


Ans. B


Q.38. Human beings are referred to as Homosapiens. Which device is called Silico sapiens?

A.        Monitor

B.        Hardware

C.        Robot

D.        Computer


Ans. D


Q.39. Time during which a job is processed by the computer is

A.        Delay time

B.        Real time

C.        Execution time

D.        Down time


Ans. C


Q.40.  What is the name given to the molecular-scale computer?

A.        Femtocomputer

B.        Nanocomputer

C.        Supercomputer

D.        Microcomputer


Ans. B


Q.41 The two kinds of main Memory are:

A.        Primary and secondary

B.        Random and sequential

C.        ROM and RAM

D.        All of the above



Ans. C


Q.42 Programs designed to perform specific tasks is known as

A.        System software

B.        Application software

C.        Utility programs

D.        Operating system


Ans.  B


Q.43 The ALU of a computer normally contains a number of high speed storage elements called

A.        semiconductor memory

B.        registers

C.        hard disk

D.        magnetic disk


Ans. B

Q.44 The first electronic digital computer contained?

A.        Electronic valves

B.        Vacuum tubes

C.        Transistors

D.        Semiconductor memory


Ans. B


Q.45 The memory which is ultraviolet light erasable and electrically programmable is

A.        ROM

B.        PROM

C.        RAM

D.        EPROM


Ans. D


Q.46 The arranging of data in a logical sequence is called:

A.        sorting

B.        classifying

C.        reproducing

D.        summarizing


Ans. A


Q.47 A computer has a 1024K memory. What does the letter K stand for

A.        Kilometre

B.        Thousand

C.        1024

D.        MB


Ans. C

Q.48 The system unit of a personal computer typically contains all of the following except: 

A.        microprocessor

B.        disk controller

C.        serial interface

D.        modem


Ans. D


Q.49  1024 bytes represent a

A.        Megabyte

B.        Gigabyte

C.        Kilobyte

D.        None of the above


Ans. C


Q.50 The transistorised computer circuits were introduced in the

A.        First generation

B.        Second generation

C.        Third generation

D.        Fourth generation


Ans. B


Q.51 Who is the creator of the PASCAL language?

A.        Niklaus Wirth

B.        Dijkstra

C.        Donald Knuth

D.        Basic Pascal


Ans. A


Q.52 What is the name of the logic circuit which can add two binary digits?

A.        Full adder

B.        Half adder

C.        Buffer

D.        Register


Ans. B


Q.53    A memory bus is mainly used for communication between

A.        processor and memory

B.        processor and I/O devices

C.        I/O devices and memory

D.        input device and output device


Ans.  A


Q.54 To locate a data item for storage is

A.        Field

B.        Feed

C.        Database

D.        Fetch


Ans. D


Q.55 Which of the following devices can be used to directly input printed text?

A.        OCR

B.        OMR

C.        MICR

D.        All of the above


Ans. A


Q.56. Which part of the computer is used for calculating and comparing?

A.        Disk unit

B.        Control unit

C.        ALU

D.        Modem


Ans. C


Q.57 Dot-matrix is a type of

A.        Tape

B.        Printer

C.        Disk

D.        Bus


Ans. B


Q.58 Who designed the first general purpose electronic digital computer "ENIAC" ?

A.        Van-Neumann

B.        Joseph M Juoquard

C.        J. Presper Ecket and John W Mauchly

D.        All of the above


Ans. C


Q.59 A software package to perform calculations on data arranged in an array is

A.        System software

B.        Utility programs

C.        Electronic Spread sheet

D.        Application programs


Ans. C


Q.60 Which of the following chips can be reprogrammed with special electric pulses?

A.        EPROM

B.        PROM

C.        ROM

D.        EEPROM


Ans. D


Q.61 Which type device is a piece of equipment that receives information from a CPU?

A.        Input

B.        Output

C.        CPU

D.        Memory


Ans. B


Q.62 A temporary storage area, attached to the CPU, for I/O operations is a:

A.        chip

B.        buffer

C.        register

D.        core


Ans. B


Q.63 Which kind of devices allows the user to add components and capabilities to a computer system?

A.        Storage devices

B.        Input devices

C.        Output devices

D.        Expansion slots


Ans. D


Q.64 What was the name of the first stored program electronic computer which was built in 1949 at Cambridge University in England?

A.        EDVAC

B.        EDSAC

C.        UNIVAC

D.        MARK-I


Ans. B


Q.65 A computer with CPU speed around 100 million instructions per second & with the word length of around 64 bits is known as

A.        Super computer

B.        Mini computer

C.        Micro computer

D.        Mainframe computer


Ans. A


Q.66 The ALU of a central processing unit does the essential maths work for the computer. What does the control unit do?

A.        Communicates its results

B.        Activates the output device

C.        Monitors the flow of information

D.        Control the printer


Ans. C


Q.67 What does that acronym VGA stand for?

A.        Extended Graphics Adapter

B.        Enhanced Graphics Array

C.        Video Graphics Array

D.        Video Graphics Adaptor


Ans. C


Q.68 The storage locations in the internal storage of a CPU are called

A.        contents

B.        addresses

C.        locations

D.        mask


Ans. B


Q.69 A 32 bit microprocessor has the word length equal to

A.        2 bytes

B.        32 bytes

C.        4 bytes

D.       8 bytes


Ans. C

Q.70 In simplex transmission 

A.        Data format is simple

B.        Data transmission is one way

C.        Data can be transmitted to small distances only

D.        All of the above


Ans. B


Q.71. The process of writing computer instructions in a programming language is known as

A.        Coding

B.        Processing

C.        Programming

D.        File


Ans.  A


Q.72. A typical modern computer uses

A.        LSI chips

B.        Vacuum tubes

C.        Valves

D.        All the above


Ans. A

Q.73. The terminal device that functions as a cash register, computer terminal, and OCR reader is the: 

A.        Data collection terminal

B.        OCR register terminal

C.        Video display terminal

D.        POS terminal


Ans. D



A.        Several digital signals are multiplexed

B.        A digital signal changes some characteristic of a carrier wave

C.        Digital signal is amplified

D.        All of the above


Ans. B


Q.75. When an input electrical signal A=10100 is applied to a NOT gate, its output signal is

A.        01011

B.        10001

C.        10101

D.        00101


Ans. A


Q 76. Which of the following printer can be classified as a page-at-a-time printer?

A.        Laser printer

B.        Dot-matrix printer

C.        Thermal printer

D.        Inkjet printer


Ans. A


Q.77.  The first microprocessor built by the Intel Corpn. was called

A.        8008

B.        8080

C.        4004

D.        8800


Ans. C


Q.78.   Personal computers use a number of chips mounted on a main circuit board. What is the common name for such boards?

A.        Daughterboard

B.        Motherboard

C.        Fatherboard

D.        Breadboard


Ans. B


Q 79. The term gigabyte refers to

A.        1024 bytes

B.        1024 kilobytes

C.        1024 megabytes

D.        1024 gigabytes


Ans. C


Q.80.  The CPU chip used in a computer is partially made out of

A.        silica

B.        carbon

C.        copper

D.        gold


Ans. A


Q.81. The equipment with which the computer talks to its users is called a

A.        word processor

B.        peripheral

C.        software

D.        diskette


Ans. B


Q.82. A large number of computers in a wide geographical area can be efficiently connected using

A.        Twisted pair lines

B.        Coaxial cables

C.        Communications satellites

D.        All of the above


Ans. C

Q.83. In latest generation computers, the instructions are executed 

A.        Parallely only

B.        Sequentially only

C.        Both sequentially an parallely

D.        All of the above


Ans. C


Q.84. Which is used for manufacturing chips?

A.        Bus

B.        Control unit

C.        Semiconductors

D.        (a) and (b) only


Ans. C


Q.85. How many bits can be stored in the 8K RAM? 

A.        8000

B.        8192

C.        4000

D.        4096


Ans. B


Q.86. Which was the first computer to use transistors instead of vacuum tubes?

A.        Intel-650

B.        Burroughs E-101

C.        Datamatic-1000

D.        IBM-1401


Ans. D


Q.87.  A CPU's processing power is measured in:

A.        IPS

B.        CIPS

C.        MIPS

D.        nano-seconds


Ans. C


Q.88. Which of the following Indian companies designs and manufactures super- computers?

A.        C-DOT

B.        C-DAC

C.        CMC

D.        All of the above


Ans. B


Q.89.  Which of the following memories needs refresh?

A.        SRAM

B.        DRAM

C.        ROM

D.        All of the above


Ans. B


Q.90.  The microprocessor of a computer cannot operate on any information if that information is not in its.

A.        secondary storage

B.        main storage

C.        ALU

D.        logic unit


Ans. B

Q.91 The term MIPS refers to _____ 

A.        millions of instructions per second

B.        multiple instructions per second

C.        megabytes of instructions per seconds

D.        millions input processor set


Ans. A


Q.92. Who invented the microprocessor?

A.        Marcian E Hoff

B.        Herman H Goldstein

C.        Joseph Jacquard

D.        All of the above


Ans. A


Q.93.  The shifting of a program from one of the memory addresses to another is

A.        Data transmission

B.        Data collection

C.        Relocation

D.        Database


Ans. C


Q.94.  What was the computer conceived by Charles Babbage?

A.        Analytical Engine

B.        Arithmetic Machine

C.        Donald Knuth

D.        All of the above


Ans. A

Q.95.  Where was the India's first computer installed and when? 

A.        Institute of Social Science, Agra, 1955

B.        Indian Institute of Statistics, Delhi, 1957

C.        Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, 1955

D.        Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 1971


Ans. C

Q.96. Which of the following is the smallest visual element on a video monitor? 

A.       Character

B.        Pixel

C.        Byte

D.        Bit


Ans. B


Q.97. Which one of the following is not a form of data storage media?

A.          Database

B.          Magnetic tape

C.         Magnetic disc

D.         Optical disc


Ans. A


Q.98. What is the full form of USB?

A.          Unshielded System Board

B.          Universal System Board

C.          Unidentified System Bus

D.          Universal System Bus



Ans. D


Q.99. The speed of a modern printer is generally measured in __________.

A.        LPS

B.        PPM

C.        PPS

D.        DPI


Ans. B


Q.100. Which of the following statement is correct about the PCI?

A.          PCI is a hardware device.

B.          PCI is software that is used to transfer the    data.

C.          PCI is an interface of the OS.

D.         All of the these



Ans. A












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